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Author Events

Our events are free and open to the pub­lic. Free reg­is­tra­tion is required or request­ed, depend­ing on the event. We are using a new sys­tem, Afton Tick­ets, to house our tick­et­ing, one that is still evolv­ing. For now, please click Buy tick­ets” to read more details about our events, and know that you will not be charged any­thing if you decide to reg­is­ter. Most part­ner events will still send you to Eventbrite.

In the Fourth Floor Gallery 

Vis­it the Fourth Floor Gallery in the Decatur library dur­ing gallery hours for a range of shows through­out the year. Next on dis­play is The Book As Art v.12: Rock, Paper, Scis­sors, which will be open through Octo­ber 28th. Learn more at BookAsArt​.com.

BAA 2024 General Slide

Health Sto­ry­telling Author Q & A Series

In part­ner­ship with the Cen­ter for the Study of Human Health at Emory University 

Fall 2024 events list­ed below! Learn more and reg­is­ter here.

Health Storytelling Schedule Fall 2024

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