Georgia Center for the Book

The Book As Art

The Book As Art is a col­lab­o­ra­tion between the Geor­gia Cen­ter for the Book and the Decatur Arts Alliance.

The Book As Art v.12: Rock, Paper, Scis­sors (2024)

Stay tuned for more infor­ma­tion about this show, which will be open in the Fourth Floor Gallery of Decatur Library from Sep­tem­ber 5th — Octo­ber 28th2024.

BAA 2024

The Book As Art Pre­vi­ous Years

The Book As Art v.11: Myth & Magic (2023)

The Book As Art v.11: Myth & Mag­ic (2023)

The 2023 exhi­bi­tion was installed in the Fourth Floor Gallery of Decatur Library, but you can still expe­ri­ence it virtually.

The Book As Art v.10: Transformation

The Book As Art v.10: Transformation

The 2022 exhi­bi­tion was installed in the Fourth Floor Gallery of Decatur Library, but you can still expe­ri­ence it virtually.

The Book as Art v.9: Muse (2021)

The Book as Art v.9: Muse (2021)

The 2021 exhi­bi­tion was in per­son and virtual.

The Book as Art v.8: Infinity (2020)

The Book as Art v.8: Infin­i­ty (2020)

For this year, the exhi­bi­tion went virtual.

Find the cat­a­logues from pre­vi­ous years at the links below:

The Book as Art v.7: Won­ders (2019)

The Book as Art v.6: Pulp (2018)

The Book as Art v.5: Illu­mi­nat­ed (2017)

The Book as Art v.4: Bound­less (2016)

The Book as Art v.3: No Jack­et Required (2015)

The Book as Art v.2: Expand­ing the Lim­its (2014)

The Book as Art v.1: 21st Cen­tu­ry Meets Tra­di­tion (2013)

The Book as Art: Flight Edi­tion (2018 — 2019, Spe­cial edi­tion installed at Harts­field-Jack­son Inter­na­tion­al Airport)

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